State-of-the-art stellarator optimization code

Tutorial: FIELDLINES NCSX Tutorial

This tutorial will walk the user through running the FIELDLINES code for a VMEC NCSX equilibrium.

1. __Edit the input namelist text file.__ > The input namelist (input.ncsx_c09r00_free) will need to be modified for the FIELDLINEScode. The FIELDLINES code utilizes the EXTCUR array from the VMEC INDATA namelist and reads it's own FIELDLINES_INPUT namelist from this file. For other codes (PIESSPEC) the namelist should be added to the corresponding input file. Since we will be including the VMEC plasma and plasma response, we will need the VMEC wout file to be located in the same directory. The namelist should look like the following:

 EXTCUR =   6.52271941985300E+05  6.51868569367400E+05  5.37743588647300E+05
 2.50000000000000E-07  2.50000000000000E-07  2.80949750000000E+04
 -5.48049500000000E+04  3.01228950000000E+04  9.42409100000000E+04
  NR = 201
  NZ = 201
  NPHI = 60
  RMIN = 0.436
  RMAX = 2.436
  ZMIN = -1.0
  ZMAX = 1.0
  PHIMIN = 0.0
  PHIMAX = 2.09439510239
  MU = 0.0
  R_START =  1.6078237350E+00    1.6100000000E+00    1.6200000000E+00    1.6300000000E+00
    1.6400000000E+00    1.6500000000E+00    1.6600000000E+00    1.6700000000E+00
    1.6800000000E+00    1.6900000000E+00    1.7000000000E+00    1.7100000000E+00
    1.7200000000E+00    1.7300000000E+00    1.7400000000E+00    1.7500000000E+00
    1.7510000000E+00    1.7520000000E+00    1.7530000000E+00    1.7540000000E+00
    1.7550000000E+00    1.7560000000E+00    1.7570000000E+00    1.7580000000E+00
    1.7590000000E+00    1.7600000000E+00    1.7610000000E+00
 Z_START = 26*0.00  
 PHI_START = 26*0.00
 PHI_END   = 26*6283.0
 NPOINC    = 120
 FOLLOW_TOL = 1.0E-9
 VC_ADAPT_TOL = 1.0E-4

> This will follow 40 field lines for 1000 toroidal transits. The NPOINC parameter indicates that we wish to save the location of the field lines 120 times per field period (approximately every degree in phi). The code will use the NAG routines for following field lines. If the user does not have access to the NAG libraries, they should replace NAG with LSODE and use the Livermore solver.

2. __Execute the code.__ > We execute the code by providing the type of equilibria followed by the input file extension. Vacuum fields can either be specified by coil or mgrid, here we've utilized our mgrid file.

>~/bin_847/xfieldlines -vmec ncsx_c09r00_free -mgrid
FIELDLINES Version 1.00
----- Input Parameters -----
   FILE: input.ncsx_c09r00_free
   R   = [ 0.43600, 2.43600];  NR:    201
   PHI = [ 0.00000, 2.09440];  NPHI:   60
   Z   = [-1.00000, 1.00000];  NZ:    201
   # of Fieldlines:   27
----- MGRID Information -----
   R   = [ 0.43600, 2.43600];  NR   =  201
   PHI = [ 0.00000, 2.09440];  NPHI =   37
   Z   = [-1.00000, 1.00000];  NZ   =  201
----- Virtual Casing Information -----
   MIN_GRID_DISTANCE = 8.9562E-02
   NU =   89;  NV =   60;  NFP =   3
   NUVP =  16020
----- Constructing Splines -----      
   R   = [ 0.43600, 2.43600];  NR:    201
   PHI = [ 0.00000, 2.09440];  NPHI:   60
   Z   = [-1.00000, 1.00000];  NZ:    201
      Method: NAG
       Lines:   27
       Steps:  179917   Delta-phi: 0.3491E-01
         Tol: 0.1000E-08  Type: M
   FILE: fieldlines_ncsx_c09r00_free.h5

> The code outputs an HDF5 file with the fieldline data and grid as the contents. Note that the code is parallelized, so when running the code on parallel machines, the mpirun command must be used.

3. __Examine the output.__ > The output of the FIELDLINES code is stored in an HDF5 file called fieldlines_ext.h5 where ext is the input extension of the input file. The field line data is saved NPOINC steps per field period. To construct a Poincaré plot the user must simply chose the index of the cross section they'd like and step by NPOINC indexes to find the next point. This assumes the user started all field lines from the same phi plane. Additionally, the grid and field (B_R/B_PHI and B_Z/B_PHI) are stored in the file, this is done to aide in restarts.
